I am very pleased with the results from using this simple effective healthy mask on my face. The ingredients are aloe, bamboo, and charcoal. My nose pores were slightly enlarged and my nose was tinged pink, also my chin had some whiteheads that needed to go. I actually have pretty nice skin, it is fair and I am blonde so all I wanted was more even color and finer pores. This mask delivered.
I put it in pretty thick and left it for a half hour. After it dried, the mask peeled off easily without hurting. There was a little of the black left on my face but it wiped off easily with a warm wash cloth. I used some hyaluronic acid serum on my face and layered a quality face cream on that after using the mask and my face looks and feels wonderful. The skin tone is more even and the pores on my nose more refined.
- Before
- After
I have sensitive skin and it didn’t bother my skin at all. No redness, no pain, and no problems. This is an excellent product that I will continue to use.
If you would like to purchase some, go here https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B06ZZN9HFT/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o07_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1