Bloodline Sports 16 Baseball Cap Rack Storage System Organizer

caprack1My new cap rack came and I had it set up in minutes. There are two long straps with plastic hooks that slide up and down on the straps.

Metal hooks attach to both ends of the strap. One of the metal hooks goes on the top of the door, or in my case, the closet folding door, and the other metal hook goes on the bottom of the door.

I adjusted the length of the strap so it was snug and then moved the black plastic hooks so I could hang my caps on it.

This cap organizer system is so lightweight, you could take it with you when you travel and store your caps for easy access on the back of the hotel room door. It takes no tools to install and you can put it up and take it down in just a minute or so.

I love to travel and buy caps where I go, so I have quite a few hats that were laying around and creating a mess in my closet.

With this cap storage organizer I should be able to store 16 hats on the two straps, however, I can only store 12 hats because half of the plastic hooks on one of the straps came broken.

caprack2.jpg#hatrack #tomoson #ad

To purchase, go here:

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