Sugar, our little Maltese, just got seven new dog toys that came in a fabric drawstring pack so they are easy to take with us when we are on the go.
I got a chuckle out of Sugar’s reaction to the “puppy” in the toys and she loved the toy that makes a sound when you turn it over or shake it.
Our other dog, Hero, had a blast with the pink toy and I know they are going to love them.
The toys are very well made and of good quality. Here is where you can get some for your pets: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08C7XBD2P?ref=myi_title_dp #Tomoson
The toys are diverse and Sugar, being small and gentle, will do better with the soft cloth ones.
Hero, our Akita, is precious but an aggressive chewer, and will do much better with the tougher toys instead of the soft toys that he would chew right up.
There is a lot of fun for both dogs in this set and I do love the black bag that has the kind of drawstring on it where you can wear it as a backpack when you take your pets for a walk or to the dog park.
My favorite toy has to be the pink one that makes a hilarious squeak noise when tossed, shaken or turned over. Sugar loves the sound of it, too.